Prepare to feel depressed, then uplifted, for a second time by Will Smith and his Pursuit of Happyness director Gabriele Muccino. Just like in Hancock, a hidden story angle that will reveal itself in time; equally concealed -- make that non-existent -- are any early-bird nominations for Smith's performance, which has been tipped for his third Best-Actor nomination.
There must have been tremendous pressure on greenish screenwriter Grant Nieporte to deliver, and I've seen plenty of support for his script. I thought Happyness' screenplay was wispy, but that didn't prevent it from international success, so I have to surmise that Smith's bulletproof career is in no danger of taking a dent this holiday season, even if he made a few enemies in LA this time around.
My favorite part above is this line: "A hidden story angle that will reveal itself in time." What? Are you kidding me here? If by hidden you mean that the movie opens with Will Smith calling 9-1-1 to report a suicide only to reveal it's his suicide and then two more hours leading up to said "hidden" suicide then yes this "will reveal itself in time," such as the first five minutes of the film. Oh, and no, I'm not sorry that I just ruined the movie for you the way the movie ruins itself in the first five minutes. I've seen a lot of crap in my day and I do usually enjoy Smith's roles but this movie is garbage. Whoever is writing the "the buzz" sections on imdb needs to do a better job of actually seeing these movies before making downsyndrome-like statements.
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